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Motivating our Monday's, is not always easy and often we feel overwhelmed by the week that lies ahead of us. 

As you may have seen the newest episode of CHRONIC BUT ICONIC is now LIVE and you can stream for FREE on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts & Anchor podcasts too. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Elina is just 16 years old & her struggle is heart breaking but she has the most amazing work ethic & has so many wonderful goals for the future. Elina's health has meant she is too poorly to attend school, struggles to stomach a lot of foods & is housebound 90 per cent of the time. Being so young she feels if she has lost her teenage years which is heart-breaking to hear but she is so mature & her story is empowering. Take some time and take a listen. Although it is a hard-hitting episode it is an eye opening one for us all & gives us all a lot to think about. 

I am so excited and looking forward to attending the Halo Tops VIP event in London on Wednesday. It will be for sure a glamourous and amazing event. I can't wait to see what new products they have instore for us. Dairy-free or their original ice cream, Halo Tops are an amazing brand who LITERALLY offer an ice cream to suit everyone from: cinnamon roll, peanut butter, salted caramel, cookie dough, red velvet - the list GOES ON. It is craziness, pure craziness so I am very excited to attend this event. I am thankful to Halo Top's for the invite. Doing London in one day however is going to be challenging and a challenge I know will tire me out. 

Then Alicante on Friday, I am ready for some warmth. Since the temperature dip my joints, especially on my right side have sky-rocketed, my mood is all over, my headaches are worse & I feel in myself more exhausted balancing EVERYTHING on top of symptoms. I know I go on how much the sun and warmth help me but I feel it now -- I am struggling & we aren't even close to the bitter winter ahead yet. Officially it is still autumn !! Looking forward & knowing I have the full 3 months of winter to come, seems like an ice age. Although we all know we will cope ( we are warriors) but it won't be easy. 

I am hoping to plan out my winter as best as I can, to keep focus. Not allow my symptoms take over & overwhelm me. Not allow myself to sink into a mental black hole I can't get out of. That is DANGEROUS territory NOBODY wants to find themselves in.

I met up with a good friend a few weeks ago, she down & really lacking motivation and inspiration. She said she was bored... she didn't have anything to look forward to. Plans to get excited about to uplift her life & help her cope through the bad patches. It hit home with me. It proved that even without a chronic illness we NEED and deserve to have things for us to look forward to. Get excited about. Life is precious, blink and it is gone. There isn't time to waste being upset & sad.

Since then it has given me a kick up the bum. To take chances, push myself out of my comfort zone. Make plans, put things in place so I can not only uplift my friends & family but myself too. Give my life a dose of inspiration. I  have been so overwhelmed with decline health & having a NUMBER of break-downs that I simply didn't want to fight on anymore than I NEED to take back my own life.

It isn't good that it is taking tragic events & other's suffering to wake me up out of my own funk but I am pleased it is happening. 

I am trying to vow to take on opportunities without over-thinking them. As when that happens I will talk myself out of it, convince myself 'it isn't for me.' I will worry about judgements or allow my health fears cage me in. 

It isn't easy & it isn't an over-night click of the fingers fix. It takes a lot of work. A lot of soul searching and support from people close to us. Having a close friend who WILL attend with you, will help you out if you need help, won't judge you, you enjoy the company of - makes the LEAP OF FAITH so much easier & less daunting. 

So going into this week. I inspire you all to take a plunge, challenege your faces and put a plan in place that doesn't just excite you but pushes you outside of your comfort zone.

You can, if you believe!

Share you dreams, goals & wins with me. I would love , LOVE to hear them as they inspire me too. 




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