Hey, everyone. Glad to have you here. As you may have already seen, we have RE-VAMPED the Sophantastic scene over here.
I hope you love it?
I sure do! I have the wonderful Alex at @gtdesignshq to thank for the amazing job she has done on my website. You can explore her amazing work through her Instagram handle above. We are also running an amazing giveaway on Sunday through both our Instagram's that you DON'T WANT TO MISS.
I know many of you were loyal subscribers. I thank you so much for your support & loyalty. You may have noticed that you aren't being notified when I post, about the freebies or updates. With this being a re-vamped, new improved site, you do need to subscribe again.
You can do this by scrolling down to the bottom of the homepage and submitting your info.
THANK YOU, for your support & love. As you know, I am always aiming to improve & learn. So, I can't wait to bring you lots of amazing content through this new site.
I can't wait for you to join in, in the fun. Don't miss a beat.
Love always, Sophie xoxo